Tuesday 18 May 2010

May Book Club


Here are some questions to get you thinking about this months bookclub choice.

- What is Miss Brodie's "prime"? What does she mean by the term and why is it so significant?
- We know Miss Brodie through the eyes of the girls, primarily Sandy. How does their perception of her change by the time they're 17 years of age ... and also when they are even older?
- When she is finally betrayed, was the one who did so right or wrong? What prompted the girl to tell Miss MacKay what she told her? Was it a betrayal?
- In the final analysis, how do you come to think of Miss Brodie? Is she a noble figure? A tragic one? A visionary? Is she silly? Is she dangerous or well-meaning? What impact did she have on her girls, lasting or short-term?

See you all next Thursday!

Questions from LitLovers.

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